Metagenics SpectraZyme Gluten Digest 20 Packets
SpectraZyme Gluten Digest by Metagenics is a dietary supplement designed to support the proper protease enzymatic breakdown of gluten proteins in the stomach. Many individuals find that they experience digestive discomfort after consuming products made using wheat, rye, barley and other food sources containing gluten. SpectraZyme Gluten Digest from Metagenics helps support the healthy digestion of gluten before it can reach the small intestines. This key ingredient featured in the formula for this supplement contains the enzyme Prolyl Endopeptidase. This protease enzyme has been clinically proven effective at facilitating the proper breakdown of gluten proteins while still in the stomach. Individuals who take SpectraZyme Gluten Digest from Metagenics on a regular basis as directed may expect to potentially enjoy a variety of important health benefits: Supports the healthy protease enzymatic breakdown of gluten proteins in the stomach. Helps prevent undigested gluten proteins from causing digestive upset by entering the small intestines. Promotes healthy digestive function.